It started with browning butter. If you've never browned butter (like me) be forewarned! I put it on the stove, stick in the pan, the recipe said medium flames. I was busy so I opted for a rather low medium. I walk off, expecting it to take the recommended 10 minutes, la la la laundry... then J says um... I think I smell something burning. OMG!!!! I rush to the stove to find smoke billowing up from my little pan. Eek! What to do... I look at it, it's a black liquid and it's on the verge of setting off my loud, annoying smoke detectors! I take it off the stove, kill the burner and it starts "sizzling" which means it's hitting the hot parts of the pan and I get it to the sink, turn on the water, water meets butter, butter jumps ship! It sprays EVERYWHERE. No joke, I was covered, my counter tops, the floor, the sink, you name it! I have little burn marks to prove it. What's the moral of my story? Some people burn water, I burn butter.
After what feels like my millionth frosting disaster, I washed the pan, put another stick of butter in it, cleaned and cleaned while it melted and watched that puppy like a hawk! I am so so so glad that I did. This is the most amazing frosting I have ever tasted. No joke, this is my absolute, all time favorite cupcake now. My mouth is watering just typing about it! ugh! I took it to work for more rave reviews. If you haven't had browned butter, go to your kitchen, go now... and send me one!
Recipe from Martha Stewart's Cupcakes
Ha! I am grateful for your forewarning...and the suggestions. I am looking forward to trying these cupcakes-I can't wait!